Draper's Meadow and Fort VauseSome details on Draper's Meadow and Fort Vause
The Cold was so extremely severe, that Mr. Gist, had all his Fingers, and some of his Toes frozen, and the Water was shut up so hard, that we found no Difficulty in getting off the Island, on the Ice, in the Morning, and went to Mr. Frazier’s. We met here with 20 Warriors who were going to the Southward to War, but coming to a Place upon the Head of the great Cunnaway, where they found seven People killed and scalped, all but one Woman with very light Hair, they turned about and ran back, for Fear the Inhabitants should rise and take them as the Authors of the Murder : They report that the People were lying about the House, and some of them much torn and eaten by Hogs : By the Marks that were
left, they say they were French Indians of the Ottaway Nation, &c. that did it.