Captain Peter Hogg (pronounced HOGUE). (1703-1782). Born in Edinburgh and came to Virginia in 1745. Believed to have seen previous military action in Scotland before immigrating to the colonies. Lived in Augusta County. Led a company of Virginians with George Washington in Fort Necessity encounter. His unit suffered low casualties as it was assigned to protect the inner stockade. When Braddock and his force went west from Winchester, Hogg and his company were assigned to remain and protect the camp at Wills Creek.
Hogg had various assignments on the western frontier during the period following Braddock’s defeat and was very much in the disfavor of George Washington. Washington in his letters to Stanwix and Dinwiddie seldom passed up an opportunity to criticize Hogg. “Hogg is the most unfit person in the world…is generally disliked…has neither activity, spirit or knowledge enough of the woods….” That Hogg was on Washington’s list along with von Braam and Dagworthy cannot be doubted.
Hogg seems to have cheated his soldiers by excessively charging them for equipment lost.
Hogg may have been related to James Patton, at least he probably came to Augusta County with Patton.
Hogg was rumored to have been a Jacobite officer in the 1745 Rebellion.
From Chalkley's page 320
Peter Hog vs. Abraham Bird.—Peter Hog commanded at Brock's Gap. Abraham Bird tried to get Hog's soldiers to sign a petition for Hog's removal and tried to supplant him.
Washington's correspondence with Hogg
Hogg may have been born in 1719.
Capt. Peter Hogg [154912] -—
came to America, ca.1745
served in the French and
Indian War
Edinburgh Parish,
Midlothian, Scotland
d.20_Apr_1782, Augusta Co. VA
Elizabeth Taylor [154913] -—
m.1754, Augusta Co. VA
wife of Capt. Peter Hogg
d.9_Apr_1829, Augusta Co. VA