Preston's Register


Robt. Foyles, his wife & 5 children, Monongalia, killed. See Washington's journal entry.


Steren Lyon, Holston River, killed.
John Godman, Holston River, killed.
Benjamin Harrison, Holston River, killed.


__ Burk, Holston River, prisoner, escaped.

May 3—

Mary Baker, Holston River, wounded.

June 18—

Sam’l Stalnacker, Holston River, prisoner, escaped.
Samuel Hydon, Holston River, prisoner.
Adam Stalnacker, Holston River, killed.
Mrs. Stalnacker, Holston River, killed.
A servant man, Holston River, killed.
Mathias Counie, Holston River, killed.

June 19—

Michael Houck, Holston River, killed.

++++July 3—
James McFarland, New River, killed.
John Bingeman, New River, killed.
Mrs. Bingeman, New River, killed.
Adam Bingeman, New River, killed.
John Cook, New River, killed.
Henry Lin, New River, killed.
A young child, New River, killed.
Nathaniel Welshire, New River, wounded.
Dutch Jacob, New River, wounded.
His wife, New River, prisoner, escaped.
Frederick Stern, New River, wounded.
Mrs. Bingman, jr., New River, wounded.
Mrs. Davies, New River, wounded.
Isaac Freeland, his wife and five children, New River, prisoners.
Bridgeman’s son and daughter and a stranger, New River, prisoners.

July 12—

Lieut. Wright and 2 Soldiers, Reed Creek, killed.

July 30—

Col. James Patton, New River, killed.
Caspar Barrier, New River, killed.
Mrs. Draper and one child, New River, killed.
James Cull, New River, wounded.
Mrs. English (Inglis) and her two children, New River, prisoners, escaped.
Mrs. Draper, jr., New River, prisoner.
Henry Leonard, New River, prisoner.

Aug. 12—

Morris Griffith, Vause’s Fort, prisoner, escaped.
Henry Boughman, Greenbrier, killed.
John Cousi and his father-in-law, Greenbrier, killed.
Walter Fishpough, Greenbrier, killed.
George White, Greenbrier, killed.
Old Christopher, Greenbrier, killed.
Mrs. Cousler, Greenbrier, killed.
An old man, his wife and a school-master, Greenbrier, killed.


John Thomas, Greenbrier, killed.
Mrs. Fishpough and five children, Greenbrier, prisoners.
Cousler’s daughter and Mrs. Ineny, Greenbrier, prisoners.
Corporal Bennet, Greenbrier, killed.


Two girls named Landsixo, South Branch, prisoners.


Rob’t. Looney and a Dutchman, Reed Creek, killed.


John Lee, Reed Creek, killed.
Michael Motes, Reed Creek, killed.
Patrick Smith, Reed Creek, killed.
Moses Man, Reed Creek, prisoner.
Valletine Harman, New River, killed.
Jacob Harman and one son, New River, killed.
Andrew Moses, New River, killed.
Thomas Daries, Roanoke, prisoner, escaped.

June 25—

Capt. John Smith, Fort Vause, prisoner, returned.
Peter Looney, Fort Vause, prisoner, escaped.
Wm. Bratton, Fort Vause, returned.
Joseph Smith, Fort Vause, prisoner.
Wm. Pepper, Fort Vause, prisoner.
Mrs. Vause and two daughters, a negro and two young
Indians and a servant-man, Fort Vause, prisoners.
Ivan Medley and two daughters, Fort Vause, prisoners.
James Bell, Fort Vause, prisoner.
Christopher Hicks, Fort Vause, prisoner.
_ Cole, Fort Vause, prisoner.
_ Graham, Fort Vause, prisoner.
Benj. Daries, Fort Vause, prisoner.
Lieut. John Smith, Fort Vause, killed.
John Tracey, Fort Vause, killed.
John English, Fort Vause, killed.
Mrs. Mary English, Fort Vause, prisoner.
Wm. Robinson, Fort Vause, wounded.
Thomas Robinson, Fort Vause, wounded.
Sam’l Robinson, Fort Vause, wounded.
Rob’t Pepper, Fort Vause, wounded.

Sept. 11—

Ensign Madison, Jackson’s River, killed.

Sept 12, 13, 14—

Nicholas Carpenter, Jackson’s River, killed.
Steren Sowel, Jackson’s River, killed.
James Mais, Jackson’s River, killed.
James Montgomery, Jackson’s River, killed.
Nicholas Nut, Jackson’s River, killed.
John Bird, Jackson’s River, killed.
George Kinkead, Jackson’s River, killed.
_ Fry, Jackson’s River, killed.
Mrs. Boyl, Jackson’s River, killed.
Three children named Parsinger, Jackson’s River, killed.
Joseph Swobs, Jackson’s River, wounded.
_ Wilson, Jackson’s River, wounded.
Five children of Chas. Boyl, Jackson’s River, prisoners.
David Gallaway, Jackson’s River, prisoner, escaped.
Mrs. McConell, Jackson’s River, prisoner, escaped.
Joseph Carpenter, Jackson’s River, prisoner, escaped.
Mrs. Bird and six children, Jackson’s River, prisoners.
Mrs. Kinkead and three children, Jackson’s River, prisoners.
Mrs. Parsinger and two children, Jackson’s River, prisoners.
Five children called Carpenter, Jackson’s River, prisoners.
Sam’l Brown, a boy, Jackson’s River, prisoner.
_ Swobs, a boy, Jackson’s River, prisoner.


John Robinson, Fort Vause, killed.
John Walker, Fort Vause, prisoner.


Jacob Peters lost six children, South Branch, prisoners, one escaped.


Wm. Bradshaw and son, Craig’s Creek, prisoners.

May 14—

And. Arnold, Jackson’s River, killed.
Henry Lawless, Jackson’s River, killed.

May 16—

John Moon, Cow Pasture, killed.
Mrs. Moor and five children, Cow Pasture, prisoners.
George Neese and two sons, South Branch, prisoners.
_ Sudie, South Branch, killed.
Henry Lawrence, South Branch, killed.
Michael Freeze and wife, South Branch, killed.
July— Mark Tallet, Jackson’s River, killed.
A servant man, Jackson’s River, prisoner.
James Allen, Jackson’s River, wounded.
_ Swobs, Jackson’s River, wounded.

May 25—

Robert Renick, Forks of James River, killed.
Thos. Moon, Forks of James River, killed.
Mrs. Renick and seven children, Forks of James River, prisoners.
Mrs. Denis, Forks of James River, prisoner.
John Crawford, jr., Craig’s Creek, killed.
Jno. Alex. Crawford, Craig’s Creek, wounded.


Serj. Henry, Fort Dinwiddie, killed.
James Stuart, Cow Pasture, killed.
James Stuart, jr., Cow Pasture, prisoner.
James McClung and two children named Cantuell, Cow Pasture, prisoners.


James McFerrin, Catawba, killed.
Wm. McFerrin, Catawba, prisoner.


Three Dutch people, Brock’s Gap, one killed, two prisoners.
John States, Brock’s Gap, killed.


Abm. Merchant, Brock’s Gap, killed.


Wm. Ward, a boy, Fort Dinwiddie, prisoner.
A soldier of Capt. Woodward, Roanoke, killed.
A servant of Bryan’s, Roanoke, killed.

March. 19—

Wm. Clepole, Brock’s Gap, killed.
Peter Moser, South Branch, killed.
Nicholas Frank, South Branch, killed.
John Coonrad, South Branch, killed.
John Cunningham and two others (names forgotten), South Branch, prisoners.
George Moses, South Branch, wounded.
Adam Harper, South Branch, wounded.
A servant-man killed, and maid and one child prisoners Cow Pasture.

March 20—

James Gatlire, Roanoke, killed.
Joseph Love, Roanoke, killed.
Wm. Love, Roanoke, killed.
A servant maid and child, Roanoke, prisoners.
_ Snodgrass, a girl, Catawba, prisoner.

Aprill 24—

John McCreary, Cow Pasture, prisoner.
Wm. McCreary, Cow Pasture, prisoner.
Capt. James Dunlap, South Branch, killed.
Josiah Wilson, South Branch, killed.
John Hutchinson, South Branch, killed.
Thomas Caddon, South Branch, killed.
Henry McCullam, South Branch, killed.
John Wright, South Branch, killed.
Thomas Smith, South Branch, killed.
Robert McNully, South Branch, killed.
Wm. Elliott, South Branch, killed.

April 27—

Mrs. Elliott, South Branch, killed.
Ludwick Falck and wife, South Branch, killed.
Adam Little, South Branch, killed.
Brock, South Branch, killed.
John Ramsey, South Branch, killed.
Wm. Burk, South Branch, killed.
_ Rooney, South Branch, killed.
Wm. Woods, South Branch, killed.
John McCulley, South Branch, killed.
Thomas Searl, South Branch, killed.
James Gill, South Branch, killed.
John Guy and a stranger, South Branch, killed.

April 28—

Capt. Sylest and sixteen persons not known, South Fork, prisoners.
Twenty-four persons at same place missing, South Fork, prisoners.


Moses Moore, Jackson’s River, prisoner.

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