Tamaque ('beaver').
A famous Delaware chief, of the Unalachtigo tribe, commonly called The Beaver, or King Beaver. He was a brother of the no less famous Shingas, who was one of the most cruel and crafty foes of the settlers in W. Pennsylvania during the years of Indian hostility.
The chief place of residence of "King Beaver" was at the mouth of Beaver River at the place called Shannopin's Town, later Shingas's Town and Sawcunk. He also had a place of residence at Kuskuski, and spent part of his time at Kittanning. When the English took possession of Ft Duquesne he moved to Ohio, where his village, near the junction of the Tuscarawas and Big Sandy, was called "The Beaver'sTown." He was friendly to the English until after Braddock's defeat (1755), when he allied himself with the French. When Post made his journey in 1758 to the western Indians, "King Beaver," as he calls him, was the chief speaker in all the councils held at Kuskuski. On Post's second mission to the Ohio, in advance of Forbes' expedition (Nov. 1758), he carried letters addressed by General Forbes to "Brethren, Kings Beaver and Shingas". He at that time spoke of the desire of the Indians to resume their alliance with the English. He was present at the council held at Ft Pitt in the fall of 1759 by Gen. Stanwix, and also at that held by Gen. Moncton in Aug. 1760.
In 1762 Beaver and Shingas sent word to the Governor of Pennsylvania that it was their deeire to remain friendly with the English, and in the same year he promised to deliver all the white" prisoners with the Indians at Ft Pitt. Col. Burd and Josiah Davenport were appointed commissioners to receive them
He joined in Pontiac's Rebellion and was a leading raider of frontier settlements.
After Bouquet's expedtion to the Muskingum in 1764 he made peace.
He came under the influence of Moravian missionaries and became a zealous convert to Christianity before his death in 1770.